Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Revit Callouts

We have had some issues with callouts and their visibility lately. The question is "Why does this callout I created on this Floor Plan not show up on my other Floor Plans?" Here is the answer from AUGI user Scott Womack:

"If the Callout is made as a Detail callout, there is a parameter that will
appear in it that by default is "Parent View Only", you can then change it to
"Intersecting Views" to get it to appear in other plans. If the Callout is made
as a plan view, then this does not appear, because a plan is "view specific"."

So, if you callout needs to show in multiple views, make it a Detail Callout and change the properties. Otherwise, it will be only visible in the one view.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Convert Model Lines to Detail Lines

Great tip from the Revit User Group - Inland Empire via BIM Manager:

Switching Model lines to Detail lines and back. Model lines show up everywhere -
Detail lines only show in the View. The workaround is that anything you paste
from the clipboard takes on the attributes of the Mode you are pasting into.

  1. Draw some Model Lines.
  2. Cut the lines to the clipboard.
  3. If you need detail lines start a new Filled Region. (or a floor - to got from detail
    lines to model lines)
  4. Paste the clipboard into the sketch - this converts the model lines into detail lines.
  5. Select the lines again and copy them back into the clipboard.
  6. Quit the region
  7. Paste the lines back into the model

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wall, Floor & Ceiling Layer Functions

Here is a great tip from Revit OpEd blogger Steve. The information is VERY useful and needs to be considered when creating any new wall types.